1. Membership may be granted to a person who is or has been a member of the United States Army Special Forces, to include the United States Army Reserve and the United States Army National Guard Special Forces Units, has completed Special Forces Training and has been awarded a Special Forces prefix 3, suffix S, and/or Special Forces Tab and MOS, and if discharged, has received an Honorable Discharge. Special Forces MOS’s are those awarded upon completion of Special Forces Training. Membership qualification lineage includes all units officially listed on the First Special Forces lineage certificate are acceptable for membership. Also acceptable, and grandfathered for general membership, are First Special Service Force, OSS, and UNPIK-8240 of Korea. The Ranger units of WWII and the Ranger Company’s of Korea are acceptable for Associate membership.
2. DECADE MEMBER: Decade membership may be granted to a person who is or has been a member of the US Army Special Forces, including the US Army Reserve, and the National Guard Special Forces Units for a minimum of ten years, who has been awarded a Prefix “3” or the Suffix “S,” 5G, 18/180 series, and, if discharged, has received an Honorable Discharge. Decade membership may also be granted to members who have a combination of 10 years Special Forces duty and Special Forces Association membership. (Documents required)
3. GENERAL MEMBER: Membership may be granted to a person who is or has been a member of the US Army Special Forces, including the US Army Reserve and the National Guard, who has been awarded a Prefix “3” or the Suffix “S,” 5G, 18/180 series MOS and, if discharged, received an Honorable Discharge. There is no time requirement for general membership. (Documents required)
4. ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Associate membership may be granted to any person not qualified as above, but who has contributed significantly to the support of Special Forces, or its lineage, in the accomplishment of its mission. Applications for Associate membership are subject to the approval of the Membership Committee. (Proof of contribution to Special Forces must accompany the application.) SSN is requested in the event additional information is required as authorized below. Incomplete applications or applications submitted without supporting documentation will be returned as incomplete.
Applicants for membership in the Special Forces Association must provide supporting documentation to prove eligibility. The documentation provided should leave no doubt as to the applicant’s eligibility to avoid delays in processing. Applications received without documentation will be returned as incomplete.
For Decade and General Members: Supporting documents must accompany all applications submitted which provide undeniable proof of Special Forces qualification. Examples of documents include the DD-214, Graduation Certificate from SFQC/SFOC, orders assigning a SF MOS, and SF Tab orders. Form 20, ERB, or ORB demonstrating assignment history is recommended for Decade member applicants. More than one document substantiating qualification is recommended. Simply being assigned to a Special Forces coded position does not denote SF qualification. In some rare instances from the Vietnam era, proof of qualification may be difficult to obtain. The SFA can assist potential applicants in submitting for the awarding of a Special Forces Tab which will prove eligibility. The Special Forces Proponency office at Ft. Bragg reviews historical documents and documents provided by applicants to determines if personnel are eligible for awarding of the SF Tab based on AR 600-8-22 which states:
The SF Tab may be awarded retroactively to all personnel who performed the following wartime service.
1. From 1942 through 1973. Served with a Special Forces unit during wartime and were either unable to or not required to attend a formal program of instruction but were awarded SQI “S”, “3″, or “5G” by competent authority.
2. Prior to 1954. The SF Tab may be awarded prior to 1955 for at least 120 consecutive days in one of the following organizations:
a. 1st Special Service Force, August 1942 to December 1944.
b. OSS Detachment 101, April 1942 to September 1945.
c. OSS Jedburgh Detachments, May 1944 to May 1945.
d. OSS Operational Groups, May 1944 to May 1945.
e. OSS Maritime Unit, April 1942 to September 1945.
f. 6th Army Special Reconnaissance Unit (Alamo Scouts), February 1944 to September 1945.
g. 8240th Army Unit, June 1950 to July 1953.
3. From 1954 through 1975. Any company grade officer or enlisted member awarded the CIB or CMB while serving for at least 120 consecutive days in one of the following type organizations:
a. SF Operational Detachment-A (A–Team).
b. Mobile Strike Force.
c. SF Reconnaissance Team.
d. SF Special Project Unit.
For Associate Members: Applicants for Associate Membership must have served for at least two years with an SF unit, served in a combat zone with SF for at least six months, or have contributed in a unique and definable way if the time periods are not met. Supporting documents must accompany all applications submitted demonstrating the assignment of the applicant and his significant contribution to the SF mission. Examples of assignment proof include the Form 20, ERB, ORB, or assignment orders to a Special Forces Unit or operation in direct support of Special Forces Operations. Additionally, the applicant must submit two letters of recommendation from SF/SFA members who have first hand knowledge of the applicant’s significant contribution.